The purpose of the REALTOR® organization is to help its members become more knowledgeable and professional in their business. In order to accomplish this, we require that all REALTORS® follow the Code of Ethics set forth by the National Association of REALTORS®. The Code of Ethics details 17 Standards of Practice that are integral to a successful real estate transaction. The Code establishes a network of cooperation among REALTORS® so that consumers receive professional service and a smoother transaction.
The REALTOR® organization provides its members with a voice. This voice, now more than one million members strong, reaches out to state and federal lawmakers to make sure that the best interests of the real estate industry are considered when making changes. By taking an active role, and staying abreast of changes in the law, we are able to help individuals protect their right to homeownership.
Our members have pledged to uphold the REALTOR® Code of Ethics, but from time to time they may step outside the boundaries of the Code and/or the laws of the state of Tennessee. If you feel that the conduct of any REALTOR® is inappropriate or unethical, you have the right to file a complaint. For violations of state law, please choose the link marked "TREC Complaint" for the Tennessee Real Estate Commission's complaint procedures. For violations of the REALTOR® Code of Ethics or questions about your complaint, please contact us at 931-381-5556 or e-mail us.

Online Licensing Classes
Tennessee Real Estate Commission
Governs all real estate licensees in the state of Tennessee.
Governs all REALTOR® members of the Southern Middle Tennessee Association of REALTORS® regarding violations of the Code of Ethics.
Ethics & Arbitration Information
Detailed information about association complaint procedures.